Lock It Up Safes

Self Delivery Paperwork

Waiver of Liability for Loading, Unloading and Transporting your safe on your own.

Post Delivery and Transportation

  1. All safes are sold in "AS IS" condition.  Lock It Up Safes will make every effort to fix any damage to your safe before you pick it up
  2. When picking up your safe, please look it over for any damage
  3. Once you leave with your safe, the sale is FINAL and can no longer be returned for a full refund.
  4. Lock It Up Safe LLC accepts no responsibility for any damage to any safe while the safe is in transit to your destination.
  5. Lock It Up Safe LLC accepts no responsibility for damage to any vehicle caused by the safe being loaded, unloaded, and in transit to your destination.
  6. You are taking full responsibility of any injury while loading, unloading, and installing the safe and holds Lock It Up Safe LLC NON-RESPONSIBLE


  1. You a fully responsible for any damage caused to any property while the safe is being installed.
  2. You a fully responsible for any damage caused to your safe while it is being installed. (Example include but not limited to: Going around sharp corners, going though tight door frames, and narrow and/or uneven pathways, all which may lead to damage to your property.)
  3. You take full responsibility for any damage caused to your property, safe or vehicle.

Lock It Up Safes will make every effort to help load your safe with no damage, but holds no responsibility for damage to your safe and/or vehicle.


By signing this form you Fully understand the risks associated with self-delivery of your safe. This form will also be e-mailed to you.

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Signed by Stephen Hall
Signed On: April 2, 2021

Signature Certificate
Document name: Self Delivery Paperwork
lock iconUnique Document ID: 8bdee961d3217f11e21274982f66cdb3185b1929
Timestamp Audit
April 20, 2020 4:03 pm CSTSelf Delivery Paperwork Uploaded by Stephen Hall - [email protected] IP 2001:579:f060:46:b0f8:c551:5cf1:862e